SieMatic Trend Report

Kitchen Interiors trend report for SieMatic UK.

The SieMatic trend report was created for designers and dealers to better understand the future interior trends in lifestyle, wellness, technology, materials, colours and social influence.

It was presented during Decorex International, London, 2019 and printed for dealers, partners and the SieMatic Head Office in Germany. My involvement included the research behind the report as well as the design.

Copy and images: Kerry Furber, SieMatic UK

SieMatic Trend Report

Kitchen Interiors trend report for SieMatic UK.

The SieMatic trend report was created for designers and dealers to better understand the future interior trends in lifestyle, wellness, technology, materials, colours and social influence.

It was presented during Decorex International, London, 2019 and printed for dealers, partners and the SieMatic Head Office in Germany. My involvement included the research behind the report as well as the design.

Copy and images: Kerry Furber, SieMatic UK




Laundry Day | Tess van Zalinge