Laundry Day | Tess van Zalinge | Photoshoot


Tess van Zalinge is a Dutch Couture fashion label who uses typically Dutch techniques to interpret the female form with clean cuts and elegant lines. The collection ‘Laundry Day’ takes on the nostalgic idea of dorky, old fashioned underwear: a limited-edition handmade undies in a two-piece set with a crafty aesthetic.

The task was to create new content to promote the collection across digital platforms. Inspired by Tess’ aesthetic, the still life images represent the memory of fresh organic underwear on a typical ‘Laundry Day’, as in the Dutch saying ‘Maandag Wasdag’.

Photography: Mariona Palau

Laundry Day | Tess van Zalinge | Photoshoot


Tess van Zalinge is a Dutch Couture fashion label who uses typically Dutch techniques to interpret the female form with clean cuts and elegant lines. The collection ‘Laundry Day’ takes on the nostalgic idea of dorky, old fashioned underwear: a limited-edition handmade undies in a two-piece set with a crafty aesthetic.

The task was to create new content to promote the collection across digital platforms. Inspired by Tess’ aesthetic, the still life images represent the memory of fresh organic underwear on a typical ‘Laundry Day’, as in the Dutch saying ‘Maandag Wasdag’.

Photography: Mariona Palau


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